Where we'll be...

Where we'll be...

Monday 6 June 2011

Week 1...

Stepping off the plane (after stopping in London, Dubai and Mumbai!) I was hit by what can be perfectly compared to having a hairdryer turned on in your face, the heat was unbelievable - 40 degrees and humidity at 98% ugh!! Thankfully the airport was deliciously air conditioned but I almost had to be dragged out of the building to face that oppressive air again, knowing it will be no different for the weeks ahead.

What can I say? This place is incredible - the saying that India is an assault on your senses are all the more true when you see the areas in which we will be working. My 'school' is in a place called Chetla Lock Gate, in South Kolkata. I predict it is going to be a very intense experience working here, after visiting it on Saturday. Before we reached our school, we visited another centre called Chetla Open Shelter. While we were outside this 'school'- a single porta cabin with surrounding shanty homes - we met Shamser who was a student of this HOPE school from the moment it opened. He went through the whole programme and is now a first year student in university in Kolkata - it is very encouraging to see these success stories as a result of the work being done by HOPE and it is with great pride that we in Froebel have been given the opportunity to support this work and offer our teaching abilities.

I have had the opportunity to see other HOPE funded schools and homes and they all excude such a positive atmosphere-as one of our lecturers says: don't cry for the ones who are being helped. They take such pride in their school work and in their other talents-some great singers and dancers were among the children who did an impromptu performance for us :)

I am looking forward to teaching and working with the community...let it begin!

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